Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a contract?

Friendly Bird Books always requires a contract as it gives writers and authors peace of mind with the protection of their manuscript. Your copyright belongs to you and only you, which is further protected by a confidentiality clause. It also details the project and payment schedule.

What are the steps to get your book ready for publication?

  1. Write your story

  2. As you write, start marketing your book

  3. Self-editing

  4. Developmental editing

  5. Get feedback from alpha and beta readers

  6. More self-editing

  7. Line editing

  8. Decide on a book cover design

  9. Format and design the interior

  10. Last self-editing

  11. Proofreading

  12. Pre-orders

  13. Continue marketing the release date of your book

  14. Receive reviews from ARC readers

  15. Publish your book

  16. Celebrate your hard work!